TRT World - Summer of drought
What are the global governance issues that have led us to the climate emergency? Durwood Zaelke.
Zaelke at Public Hearing of the Advisory Opinion on Climate Emergency and Human Rights
Extreme Summer Heat - Channel 5 Interview
Ocean warming alarms scientists - TRT
Can fossil fuels continue to be the dominant energy source?
Over 1,400 firefighters battle five spreading fires amid the storm in Los Angeles
Over 1,400 firefighters battle five spreading fires amid the storm in Los Angeles
Cutting Methane: The Fastest Path to Avoid Climate Tipping Points at COP29
The Other Half of Warming: Climate Super Pollutants - COP29 Climate Hub
2024 set to be hottest on record and first to break 1.5C threshold
UN chief warns of grave danger as sea levels rise in the Pacific