Where We Are
Who We Are
Madelyn Zuckerman
Executive Assistant to the President
Romina Picolotti
Director of Climate Policy
Maxime Beaugrand
Director of the Paris Office
Dr. Stephen O. Andersen
Director of Research
Zerin Osho
Director of the India Program
Dr. Gabrielle Dreyfus
Chief Scientist
Richard Ferris
Senior Counsel
Matthew Stilwell
Senior Attorney
Mohamed Rida Derder
Senior Africa Counsel
Xiaopu Sun
Senior China Counsel
Giselle Gonzalez
Grants Coordinator
Selena Bateman
Law Fellow
Dr. Sebastian Luengo
Law Fellow
Michael Frizzell
Diplomatic Fellow
Sean Dennis
Technical Editor
Dr. Julie Miller
Research Associate
Alyssa Hull
Research Associate
Trina Chiemi
Research Associate
Sunandini Seth
Program Coordinator for the India Program