Publications Library

The latest climate science for directing, organizing, and promoting efforts critical to scaling up fast mitigation solutions.

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Primer on Non-Carbon Dioxide Pollutants in India IndiaShort-lived climate pollutants
Including and quantifying methane mitigation in NDCs is key to a better climate outcome MethaneShort-lived climate pollutants
Primer on Anthropogenic Nitrous Oxide N2O
Supplementary Brief: Recognition of the Human Right to Resilience in Times of Climate Emergency Climate litigation
Preventing the Dumping in Vulnerable Developing-Country Markets of Inefficient Cooling Equipment Using Obsolete Refrigerants CoolingEnvironmental dumping
Opportunities for Improving Productivity and Reducing Methane Emissions in Smallholder Dairy Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries AgricultureMethane
Integrating Human Rights and Science Perspectives in Climate Responses Climate litigation
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Beyond the single-basket mindset: a multi-gas approach to better constrain overshoot in near term warming MethaneShort-lived climate pollutants
The methane imperative MethaneShort-lived climate pollutants
Background Note: The Need for Fast Near-Term Climate Mitigation to Slow Feedbacks and Tipping Points Short-lived climate pollutants
Brief: The Science Behind the Climate Emergency/Claves Científicas sobre la Emergencia Climática Short-lived climate pollutants
China’s Ongoing Efforts toAddress Methane Emissions andOpportunities to Further RaiseChina’s Methane Mitigation Ambition ChinaMethane