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Climate Change Mitigation through Organic Carbon Strategies

PxD and IGSD are partnering on an initiative to collaboratively identify opportunities for innovation in climate change mitigation, particularly for the greenhouse gases most problematic in agricultural production, methane, and nitrous oxide, as well as carbon dioxide. This initiative includes four analytical pieces on the opportunities for climate change mitigation by smallholder farmers.

The agriculture and food system sector is a significant emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs), primarily methane – associated with livestock and rice production – and nitrous oxide – most directly associated with nitrogen fertilizers, animal manure, and biological nitrogen fixation.  There is, however, potential for agriculture to contribute to climate change mitigation. By leveraging the natural role of plants and soils in the cycling of organic carbon, agricultural land can act as a carbon sink through interventions for carbon sequestration like conservation agriculture. Studies estimate a technical potential of soils in global cropland and pasture land to store 2–5 Gt CO2 per year.


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IGSD, Precision Development (PxD)


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