President Macron and President Xi lead strengthened climate action through cooling efficiency and HFC phase out

Paris, France - At their March 2019 bilateral meeting during President Xi's visit to France, both leaders agreed to commit to:
"Implementing the Paris Agreement in all its dimensions, to strengthening the capacity to implement commitments and to communicating their long-term low greenhouse gas development strategy for the middle of the century by 2020. They commit to working together to promote the ratification and implementation of the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol on HFC reduction and to promote the improvement of energy efficiency standards in the cooling sector."
IGSD’s English reference translation of the Joint Declaration Between the French Republic and the People’s Republic of China on the Preservation of Multilateralism and the Improvement of Global Governance is available here.
The official French Déclaration conjointe entre la République française et la République populaire de Chine sur la préservation du multilatéralisme et l’amélioration de la gouvernance mondiale is available here.
The official Chinese 中华人民共和国和法兰西共和国关于共同维护多边主义、完善全球治理的联合声明 (全文) is available here.