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China’s Green and High-Efficiency Cooling Action Plan: A Model for Cooling-Efficiency Ambition


Today China released its Green and High-Efficiency Cooling Action Plan [绿色高效制冷行动方案], in part to implement the commitments in the bilateral agreement between President Xi and President Macron on 26 March 2019. This landmark bilateral agreement indicates, among other things, that the two countries “pledge to work together to promote the ratification and implementation of the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol on the phasedown of HFCs and to promote the improvement of energy efficiency standards in the cooling sector.

The China Cooling Action Plan sets forth targets for cooling-product energy efficiency improvement by 2022 and 2030. The Plan also describes key cooling-related priorities for China, including:

  • strengthening energy efficiency standards; 
  • expanding the supply of green and high-efficiency cooling products, including through increased R&D on low-GWP and high-efficiency refrigerants; 
  • promoting green and high-efficiency cooling product consumption, including through government and enterprise green procurement; 
  • advancing energy-saving transformations, including through demonstration projects involving retrofits of central air-conditioning systems, energy efficiency upgrades to data-center cooling systems, cooling-system retrofits  for zones and parks, and upgrades of cold-chain logistics; and
  • deepening international cooperation, including on HFC phase out pursuant to the Montreal Protocoland on the promotion of green and high-efficiency cooling for all, in both domestic and export markets, through mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Green Cooling Initiative.

The China Cooling Action Plan also calls for strengthened compliance accountability in the cooling energy efficiency area, including through enforcement spot checks, and release of compliance information through the national credit information public disclosure platforms.

IGSD‘s English translation of the China Cooling Action Plan and the associated transmittal Circular is available here, to facilitate further discussion and understanding among non-Chinese readers. 

The China Cooling Action Plan demonstrates China’s ambition and leadership in improving cooling energy efficiency. The China Cooling Action Plan has the force of law, but meaningful and effective implementation of the Plan’s objectives still requires further implementing measures from and vigilance of the issuing agencies.

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