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Protecting the Ozone Layer, 35th Anniversary Book – Available for Purchase


19 December 2022— On 31 October 2022, at the 34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in Montreal, the United Nations Environment Program Ozone Secretariat, and the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) launched the celebratory Montreal Protocol 35th Anniversary Book Protecting the Ozone Layer.

The electronic version (Kindle Edition) of the book has now become available for purchase on Amazon. You can purchase the book here

The book highlights the Montreal Protocol’s successes and innovation during its first 35 years and inspires new ambition to strengthen the protection of stratospheric ozone as well as the climate before Earth passes dangerous tipping points that could cause irreversible and abrupt climate change.

The 35th-anniversary book by Dr. Stephen O Andersen, IGSD Director of Research and Former Co-Chair of the Technology and Economics Assessment Panel (1989–2012), and Marco Gonzalez, Former Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat (2002–2013), edited by Sally Rand, Former TEAP member and Foam Technical Options Committee Co-Chair (1993–1998) was written by an additional 56 co-authors and two dozen additional collaborators from 23 Parties, including 10 from Article 5 Parties.

The authors are working with Amazon to facilitate the option of a print-on-demand version of the book. Additional developments to be announced.

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