Under 2 Degrees Celsius: Fast Action Policies to Protect People & the Planet from Extreme Climate Changes

14 November Launch of the report from Committee to Prevent Extreme Climate Change
Chairs: V. Ramanathan, Mario Molina & Durwood Zaelke
14 November 2016, at Marrakech COP22 – Today a panel representing UNEP, the World Health Organization, University of California, California Governor Jerry Brown’s office, and world-renowned scientists and policy experts will launch a roadmap to keep global warming from breeching the 2ºC guardrail.
The report - written by over thirty experts in climate science, economics, policy, and national security, from China, EU, India, UK and US – takes a new approach to staying below 2ºC and thus avoid extreme and unmanageable climate changes. The report identifies 4 building blocks for climate policy success and 10 scalable solutions implemented through multi- dimensional and multi-sectoral methods to get the global economy and society to achieve rapid reductions in short lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality and climate stability by 2050.
“It is still not too late to limit the warming. Staying below 2ºC requires social, financial, and technical actions by 2020 on a global scale. Transitioning to the energy of the future and cleaning the air of short lived pollutants are critical steps to the health and well being of the most vulnerable today and our future generations. Fortunately, there are 53 living laboratories, such as California, around the world to show us the pathway.”
- Ramanathan, Chair of the Committee & Distinguished Professor at Scripps
“We know we are running out of time. This diverse group of experts provides the world with a specific plan for effectively addressing the climate change challenge in both the near- and long-term.”
- Mario Molina, Chair of the Committee, Nobel Laureate & Distinguished UC San Diego Professor
“We can’t solve a fast moving problem like climate change with slow moving solutions. Speed is our new metric—speed to cut the SLCPs by 2030, to achieve clean energy and net zero emissions by 2050, and to remove a growing share of the carbon dioxide we've already emitted.”
- Durwood Zaelke – Chair of the Committee & IGSD President
This group of renowned scientists and policymakers are now calling on the global public to determine the best methods for solving the climate crisis. The high-level summary is now open for public comment and the the policy-maker’s summary will be posted for public comment on 10 December 2016.
All documents can be found here.
The press conference will be held at 9:30AM on Monday, November 14 in Press Conference Room Dakhla of the COP22 Blue Zone. The press conference video will be posted here following the event.
Panelists:- Veerabhadran Ramanatha & Durwood Zaelke
- Daniel Kammen, Distinguished Professor of Energy, University of California Berkeley
- Ken Alex, office of California Governor Jerry Brown
- Jacqueline MacGlade, UN Environment Chief Scientist
- Maria Neira, Director, World Health Organization